Not using mock any more, and backup is now triggered by systemd timer.
set -ex
-# create user
-if ! grep -q ^mock: /etc/group; then
- getent group mock | sed 's/$/martin/' >> /etc/group
-# copy back NM connections and fix SELinux context
+# copy NM connections and fix SELinux context
cp /home/martin/archiv/system-config/* /etc/
chcon -R -t NetworkManager_etc_t -u system_u /etc/NetworkManager
chcon -R -t NetworkManager_etc_rw_t -u system_u /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections
-# crontabs
-crontab -u martin - <<EOF
-# m h dom mon dow command
-05 * * * * \$HOME/bin/backup >/dev/null