theme: Singapore
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# Cockpit what?
- Quit virt-viewer
- Move to local browser, enable mobile mode (Ctrl+Shift+M)
- Zero configuration so far, other than possibly installing cockpit pkg and enabling cockpit.socket
+- But wait, you say -- want to admin that server over there, but not allowed to
+ open new port and system service?
- In larger environments it's impractical to install cockpit server on hundreds
- of machines and using the login web page
+ of machines and using the login web page; better solution: piggyback on ssh
- Glimpse of how to customize how cockpit runs and how to authenticate to it
- SSO/Kerberos in Identity Management domains
- smart card/client certificate authentication
-- OAuth (Kubernetes)
+- OAuth (external embedding)
- Foreman: included cockpit-ws with dynamic configuration
TODO: foreman screenshot
without the login page
- browsers can ask for TLS client certificates, commonly with smart cards, and
present them to the web server; latest Cockpit versions supports that
-- Foreman has a "Web Console" button; already has ssh to all maintained
- machines
+- Foreman has a "Web Console" button; interesting case for seamless transition
+ between Foreman and Cockpit
+- already has ssh to all maintained machines
- runs a single cockpit-ws process on its server, and dynamically configures it
- for selected target machine, seamless transition between Foreman and Cockpit
+ for selected target machine
+- custom cockpit session helper to do OAuth between Foreman session and
+ cockpit-ws, and wrap cockpit-ssh session starter
- not enough time to demo and explain all of this; just keep in mind that it's
-# Custom authentication example
+# Embedding into existing session
+\footnotesize \verb!cockpit-ws -p 9999 --no-tls --local-session=/usr/bin/cockpit-bridge!
+`firefox http://localhost:9999`
+- what I do want to show: opposite direction; "replace cockpit-session" can
+ also mean "by nothing"
+- due to common JSON protocol, we can connect ws directly to a cockpit-bridge
+- take a step back: if I want to admin this very machine, it's in a running
+ Linux session, it knows who I am
+- put the whole auth structure inside out and instead run cockpit-ws as my user
+ inside my session
+- open localhost:9999 in firefox
+- alarm bells: exposes my session to a TCP port without any auth
+# Embedding into existing session: once more with safety!
+\footnotesize \verb! !
+`/usr/libexec/cockpit-desktop [page]`
+- need to hide that port; put browser and cockpit-ws into network namespace,
+ then they live in a completely isolated world
+- do some work to hide browser chrome, use webkit if available
+- cockpit-desktop /
+- wants to run priv bridge, can accept or decline
+- decline, R/O view
+- can show an individual iframe, "page"
+- suddenly you end up with a halfway decent desktop app
+- just the storage page, replacement for gnome-disks
+- cockpit-desktop podman
+# Conclusion
+- Authentication is very flexible
+- Works with zero configuration
+- Can be arbitrarily embedded
+- Cockpit provides a set of standard auth protocols that are being used in
+ today's modern deployments
+- Once you know about the structure, you can combine ssh, web servers, reverse
+ proxies, and custom auth helpers to embed Cockpit anywhere you want
# Q & A