+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Gustavo Niemeyer <gustavo@niemeyer.net>
-This program allows you to edit moin (see http://moin.sourceforge.net)
-pages with your preferred editor. The default editor is vi. If you want
-to use any other, just set the EDITOR environment variable.
-To define your moin id used when logging in in a specifc moin, edit a
-file named ~/.moin_ids and include lines like "http://moin.url/etc myid".
-WARNING: This program expects information to be in a very specific
- format. It will break if this format changes, so there are
- no warranties of working at all. All I can say is that it
- worked for me, at least once. ;-)
-Tested moin versions: 0.9, 0.11, 1.0, 1.1, 1.3.5, 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.4, 1.5.5, 1.6
-__author__ = "Gustavo Niemeyer <gustavo@niemeyer.net>"
-__version__ = "1.8"
-__license__ = "GPL"
-import tempfile
-import textwrap
-import sys, os
-import urllib
-import shutil
-import md5
-import re
-USAGE = "Usage: editmoin [-t <template page>] <moin page URL>\n"
-IDFILENAME = os.path.expanduser("~/.moin_ids")
-ALIASFILENAME = os.path.expanduser("~/.moin_aliases")
-BODYRE = re.compile('<textarea.*?name="savetext".*?>(.*)</textarea>',
- re.M|re.DOTALL)
-DATESTAMPRE = re.compile('<input.*?name="datestamp".*?value="(.*?)".*?>')
-NOTIFYRE = re.compile('<input.*?name="notify".*?value="(.*?)".*?>')
-COMMENTRE = re.compile('<input.*?name="comment".*>')
-MESSAGERE1 = re.compile('^</table>(.*?)<a.*?>Clear message</a>',
- re.M|re.DOTALL)
-MESSAGERE2 = re.compile('<div class="message">(.*?)</div>', re.M|re.DOTALL)
-MESSAGERE3 = re.compile('<div id="message">\s*<p>(.*?)</p>', re.M|re.DOTALL)
-STATUSRE = re.compile('<p class="status">(.*?)</p>', re.M|re.DOTALL)
-CANCELRE = re.compile('<input.*?type="submit" name="button_cancel" value="(.*?)">')
-EDITORRE = re.compile('<input.*?type="hidden" name="editor" value="text">')
-TICKETRE = re.compile('<input.*?type="hidden" name="ticket" value="(.*?)">')
-REVRE = re.compile('<input.*?type="hidden" name="rev" value="(.*?)">')
-CATEGORYRE = re.compile('<option value="(Category\w+?)">')
-SELECTIONRE = re.compile("\(([^)]*)\)\s*([^(]*)")
-EXTENDMSG = "Use the Preview button to extend the locking period."
-marker = object()
-class Error(Exception): pass
-class MoinFile:
- multi_selection = ["notify", "add_category"]
- def __init__(self, filename, id):
- self.filename = filename
- self.id = id
- self.data = open(filename).read()
- self.body = self._get_data(BODYRE, "body")
- try:
- self.datestamp = self._get_data(DATESTAMPRE, "datestamp")
- except Error:
- self.datestamp = None
- try:
- self.notify = self._get_data(NOTIFYRE, "notify")
- self.comment = "None"
- except Error:
- self.notify = None
- if COMMENTRE.search(self.data):
- self.comment = "None"
- else:
- self.comment = None
- self.categories = self._get_data_findall(CATEGORYRE, "category", [])
- self.add_category = None
- match = STATUSRE.search(self.data)
- if match:
- self.status = strip_html(match.group(1))
- else:
- self.status = None
- self.rev = self._get_data(REVRE, "rev", None)
- self.ticket = self._get_data(TICKETRE, "ticket", None)
- def _get_data(self, pattern, info, default=marker):
- match = pattern.search(self.data)
- if not match:
- if default is not marker:
- return default
- message = get_message(self.data)
- if message:
- print message
- raise Error, info+" information not found"
- else:
- return match.group(1)
- def _get_data_findall(self, pattern, info, default=marker):
- groups = pattern.findall(self.data)
- if not groups:
- if default is not marker:
- return default
- raise Error, info+" information not found"
- return groups
- def _get_selection(self, str):
- for selected, option in SELECTIONRE.findall(str):
- if selected.strip():
- return option.strip()
- return None
- def _unescape(self, data):
- data = data.replace("<", "<")
- data = data.replace(">", ">")
- data = data.replace("&", "&")
- return data
- def has_cancel(self):
- return (CANCELRE.search(self.data) is not None)
- def has_editor(self):
- return (EDITORRE.search(self.data) is not None)
- def write_raw(self):
- filename = tempfile.mktemp(".moin")
- file = open(filename, "w")
- if not self.id:
- file.write("@@ WARNING! You're NOT logged in!\n")
- else:
- file.write("@@ Using ID %s.\n" % self.id)
- if self.status is not None:
- text = self.status.replace(EXTENDMSG, "").strip()
- lines = textwrap.wrap(text, 70,
- initial_indent="@@ Message: ",
- subsequent_indent="@ ")
- for line in lines:
- file.write(line+"\n")
- if self.comment is not None:
- file.write("@@ Comment: %s\n" % self.comment)
- if self.notify is not None:
- yes, no = (self.notify and ("x", " ") or (" ", "x"))
- file.write("@@ Notify: (%s) Yes (%s) No\n" % (yes, no))
- if self.categories:
- file.write("@@ Add category: (x) None\n")
- for category in self.categories:
- file.write("@ ( ) %s\n" % category)
- file.write(self._unescape(self.body))
- file.close()
- return filename
- def read_raw(self, filename):
- file = open(filename)
- lines = []
- data = file.readline()
- while data != "\n":
- if data[0] != "@":
- break
- if len(data) < 2:
- pass
- elif data[1] == "@":
- lines.append(data[2:].strip())
- else:
- lines[-1] += " "
- lines[-1] += data[2:].strip()
- data = file.readline()
- self.body = data+file.read()
- file.close()
- for line in lines:
- sep = line.find(":")
- if sep != -1:
- attr = line[:sep].lower().replace(' ', '_')
- value = line[sep+1:].strip()
- if attr in self.multi_selection:
- setattr(self, attr, self._get_selection(value))
- else:
- setattr(self, attr, value)
-def get_message(data):
- match = MESSAGERE3.search(data)
- if not match:
- # Check for moin < 1.3.5 (not sure the precise version it changed).
- match = MESSAGERE2.search(data)
- if not match:
- # Check for moin <= 0.9.
- match = MESSAGERE1.search(data)
- if match:
- return strip_html(match.group(1))
- return None
-def strip_html(data):
- data = re.subn("\n", " ", data)[0]
- data = re.subn("<p>|<br>", "\n", data)[0]
- data = re.subn("<.*?>", "", data)[0]
- data = re.subn("Clear data", "", data)[0]
- data = re.subn("[ \t]+", " ", data)[0]
- data = data.strip()
- return data
-def get_id(moinurl):
- if os.path.isfile(IDFILENAME):
- file = open(IDFILENAME)
- for line in file.readlines():
- line = line.strip()
- if line and line[0] != "#":
- tokens = line.split()
- if len(tokens) > 1:
- url, id = tokens[:2]
- else:
- url, id = tokens[0], None
- if moinurl.startswith(url):
- return id
- return None
-def translate_shortcut(moinurl):
- if "://" in moinurl:
- return moinurl
- if "/" in moinurl:
- shortcut, pathinfo = moinurl.split("/", 1)
- else:
- shortcut, pathinfo = moinurl, ""
- if os.path.isfile(ALIASFILENAME):
- file = open(ALIASFILENAME)
- try:
- for line in file.readlines():
- line = line.strip()
- if line and line[0] != "#":
- alias, value = line.split(None, 1)
- if pathinfo:
- value = "%s/%s" % (value, pathinfo)
- if shortcut == alias:
- if "://" in value:
- return value
- if "/" in value:
- shortcut, pathinfo = value.split("/", 1)
- else:
- shortcut, pathinfo = value, ""
- finally:
- file.close()
- if os.path.isfile(IDFILENAME):
- file = open(IDFILENAME)
- try:
- for line in file.readlines():
- line = line.strip()
- if line and line[0] != "#":
- url = line.split()[0]
- if shortcut in url:
- if pathinfo:
- return "%s/%s" % (url, pathinfo)
- else:
- return url
- finally:
- file.close()
- raise Error, "no suitable url found for shortcut '%s'" % shortcut
-def get_urlopener(moinurl, id=None):
- urlopener = urllib.URLopener()
- proxy = os.environ.get("http_proxy")
- if proxy:
- urlopener.proxies.update({"http": proxy})
- if id:
- # moinmoin < 1.6
- urlopener.addheader("Cookie", "MOIN_ID=\"%s\"" % id)
- # moinmoin >= 1.6
- urlopener.addheader("Cookie", "MOIN_SESSION=\"%s\"" % id)
- return urlopener
-def fetchfile(urlopener, url, id, template):
- geturl = url+"?action=edit"
- if template:
- geturl += "&template=" + urllib.quote(template)
- filename, headers = urlopener.retrieve(geturl)
- return MoinFile(filename, id)
-def editfile(moinfile):
- edited = 0
- filename = moinfile.write_raw()
- editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR", "vi")
- digest = md5.md5(open(filename).read()).digest()
- os.system("%s %s" % (editor, filename))
- if digest != md5.md5(open(filename).read()).digest():
- shutil.copyfile(filename, os.path.expanduser("~/.moin_lastedit"))
- edited = 1
- moinfile.read_raw(filename)
- os.unlink(filename)
- return edited
-def sendfile(urlopener, url, moinfile):
- if moinfile.comment is not None:
- comment = "&comment="
- if moinfile.comment.lower() != "none":
- comment += urllib.quote(moinfile.comment)
- else:
- comment = ""
- data = "button_save=1&savetext=%s%s" \
- % (urllib.quote(moinfile.body), comment)
- if moinfile.has_editor():
- data += "&action=edit" # Moin >= 1.5
- else:
- data += "&action=savepage" # Moin < 1.5
- if moinfile.datestamp:
- data += "&datestamp=" + moinfile.datestamp
- if moinfile.rev:
- data += "&rev=" + moinfile.rev
- if moinfile.ticket:
- data += "&ticket=" + moinfile.ticket
- if moinfile.notify == "Yes":
- data += "¬ify=1"
- if moinfile.add_category and moinfile.add_category != "None":
- data += "&category=" + urllib.quote(moinfile.add_category)
- url = urlopener.open(url, data)
- answer = url.read()
- url.close()
- message = get_message(answer)
- if message is None:
- print answer
- raise Error, "data submitted, but message information not found"
- else:
- print message
-def sendcancel(urlopener, url, moinfile):
- if not moinfile.has_cancel():
- return
- data = "button_cancel=Cancel"
- if moinfile.has_editor():
- data += "&action=edit&savetext=dummy" # Moin >= 1.5
- else:
- data += "&action=savepage" # Moin < 1.5
- if moinfile.datestamp:
- data += "&datestamp=" + moinfile.datestamp
- if moinfile.rev:
- data += "&rev=" + moinfile.rev
- if moinfile.ticket:
- data += "&ticket=" + moinfile.ticket
- url = urlopener.open(url, data)
- answer = url.read()
- url.close()
- message = get_message(answer)
- if not message:
- print answer
- raise Error, "cancel submitted, but message information not found"
- else:
- print message
-def main():
- argv = sys.argv[1:]
- template = None
- if len(argv) > 2 and argv[0] == "-t":
- template = argv[1]
- argv = argv[2:]
- if len(argv) != 1 or argv[0] in ("-h", "--help"):
- sys.stderr.write(USAGE)
- sys.exit(1)
- try:
- url = translate_shortcut(argv[0])
- id = get_id(url)
- urlopener = get_urlopener(url, id)
- moinfile = fetchfile(urlopener, url, id, template)
- try:
- if editfile(moinfile):
- sendfile(urlopener, url, moinfile)
- else:
- sendcancel(urlopener, url, moinfile)
- finally:
- os.unlink(moinfile.filename)
- except (IOError, OSError, Error), e:
- sys.stderr.write("error: %s\n" % str(e))
- sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
-# vim:et:ts=4:sw=4