#!/bin/sh set -eux NAME=redhat RELEASE=32 toolbox rm --force $NAME || true yes | toolbox create --release $RELEASE -c $NAME # install cockpit's build deps and other development tools toolbox run -c "$NAME" sh -exc ' # useful hostname echo "redhat" | sudo tee /etc/hostname sudo hostname -F /etc/hostname sudo dnf update -y # this just refuses to rpm -i normally sudo dnf install -y cpio rpm2cpio ~martin/Dokumente/Arbeit/RedHat/redhat-internal-cert-install-0.1-7.el7.csb.noarch.rpm | sudo cpio -id --directory=/ --verbose "./etc/pki/*" sudo update-ca-trust (cd /etc/yum.repos.d; sudo curl -O --location https://download.devel.redhat.com/rel-eng/RCMTOOLS/rcm-tools-fedora.repo) sudo dnf install -y rhpkg krb5-workstation # 1minutetip sudo umount /mnt # HACK: rhts-test-env-5.0-2.fc32eng.noarch wants to fiddle with it sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/qa-tools.repo http://liver.brq.redhat.com/repo/qa-tools.repo sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/beaker-client.repo http://download.lab.bos.redhat.com/beakerrepos/beaker-client-Fedora.repo sudo dnf install -y qa-tools-workstation-1minutetip sudo dnf clean packages # unbreak kerberos; https://github.com/debarshiray/toolbox/issues/235 cat <