From: <>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 11:14:51 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: remove, moved to proper LP project
remove, moved to proper LP project
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 95f8a04..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-import urllib, re, sys, optparse, os.path, datetime
-import sqlite3 as dbapi2
-from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
-blueprints_base_url = ''
-valid_states = ['todo', 'done', 'postponed']
-def get_db(dbpath):
- '''Open/initialize database.
- This creates the database if it does not exist.
- '''
- init = not os.path.exists(dbpath)
- db = dbapi2.connect(dbpath)
- if init:
- cur = db.cursor()
- cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE work_items (
- blueprint VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
- workitem VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL,
- status VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
- assignee VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
- cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE status (
- blueprint VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
- status VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL,
- db.commit()
- return db
-def parse_argv():
- '''Parse CLI arguments.
- Return (options, args) tuple.
- '''
- optparser = optparse.OptionParser()
- optparser.add_option('-d', '--database',
- help='Path to database', dest='database', metavar='PATH')
- optparser.add_option('-r', '--release',
- help='Release name', dest='release')
- optparser.add_option('--milestone',
- help='Milestone name', dest='milestone')
- optparser.add_option('-p', '--pattern', metavar='REGEX',
- help='Regex pattern for blueprint name', dest='pattern')
- optparser.add_option('-D', '--dump', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Dump database', dest='dump')
- optparser.add_option('-m', '--moin', metavar='URL',
- help='moin URL for additional work items (can be given multiple times)',
- action='append', dest='moin', default=[])
- optparser.add_option('-t', '--text', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Print work item summary in text format', dest='text')
- optparser.add_option('-c', '--csv', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Print work item summary in CSV format', dest='csv')
- optparser.add_option('-H', '--html', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Generate work item HTML report', dest='html')
- optparser.add_option('--from', metavar='YYYY-MM-DD',
- help='Generate CSV data from this day on', dest='from_date')
- optparser.add_option('--to', metavar='YYYY-MM-DD',
- help='Generate CSV data until this day', dest='to_date')
- (opts, args) = optparser.parse_args()
- if not opts.database:
- optparser.error('No database given')
- if not opts.dump and not opts.text and not opts.csv and not opts.html:
- if not opts.release:
- optparser.error('No release given')
- if not opts.pattern:
- optparser.error('No pattern given')
- return (opts, args)
-def get_blueprints(url, name_pattern, milestone):
- '''Return a list of blueprint URLs for the current release.'''
- blueprint_name_filter = re.compile('href="(/ubuntu/\+spec/%s[^"]+)"' %
- name_pattern)
- result = []
- scan_tr_end = False
- found_ms = False
- bp = None
- for l in urllib.urlopen(url):
- if scan_tr_end:
- if milestone:
- if ('/+milestone/%s"' % milestone) in l:
- found_ms = True
- if '' in l:
- scan_tr_end = False
- if bp and (not milestone or found_ms):
- result.append(bp)
- bp = None
- found_ms = False
- else:
- m =
- if m:
- bp = blueprints_base_url +
- scan_tr_end = True
- return result
-def get_blueprint_workitems(blueprint_url):
- '''Collect work items from a particular blueprint URL.
- This will return a list of ('item', 'status', 'assignee') tuples.
- '''
- work_items_re = re.compile('(
|^)work items:\s*
', re.I)
- assignee_re = re.compile('')
- found_workitems = False
- found_assignee = False
- result = []
- default_assignee = 'nobody'
- for l in urllib.urlopen(blueprint_url):
- end = False
- if 'Assignee:' in l:
- found_assignee = True
- continue
- if found_assignee and not found_workitems:
- m =
- if m:
- default_assignee =
- found_assignee = False
- if not found_workitems:
- if
- found_workitems = True
- continue
- if '
' in l:
- end = True
- l = l.replace('
', '').replace('', '').replace('', '').replace('', '').strip()
- if not l:
- break
- try:
- (desc, state) = l.rsplit(':', 1)
- except ValueError:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: invalid work item format: ' + l
- continue
- desc = desc.strip()
- state = state.strip().lower()
- if not state:
- state = 'todo'
- if state == 'completed':
- state = 'done'
- if state == 'inprogress':
- state = 'todo'
- if state == 'postpone':
- state = 'postponed'
- if state not in valid_states:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: invalid state "%s" for work item "%s"' % (
- state, desc)
- continue
- if desc.startswith('['):
- try:
- off = desc.index(']')
- assignee = desc[1:off]
- desc = desc[off+1:].strip()
- except ValueError:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: missing closing "]" for assignee for work item "%s"' % desc
- else:
- assignee = default_assignee
- result.append((desc, state, assignee))
- if end:
- break
- return result
-def get_blueprint_status(blueprint_url):
- '''Collect status from a particular blueprint URL.
- This will return a list of lines.
- '''
- status_re = re.compile('(|^)status:\s*
', re.I)
- found_status = False
- result = []
- for l in urllib.urlopen(blueprint_url):
- end = False
- if not found_status:
- if
- found_status = True
- continue
- if '
' in l:
- end = True
- l = l.replace('
', '').replace('', '').replace('', '').strip()
- if not l:
- break
- result.append(l.strip())
- if end:
- break
- return "\n".join(result)
-def get_moin_workitems(url):
- '''Collect work items from a moin wiki URL.
- Every line starting with "|| " is treated as a work item.
- Return a list of ('item', 'status', 'assignee') tuples.
- '''
- result = []
- for line in urllib.urlopen(url):
- assignee = 'nobody'
- if line.startswith('|| '):
- fields = line.strip().split('||')
- assert not fields[0] # should be empty
- desc = fields[1].strip()
- for f in fields[2:]:
- if 'DONE' in f or 'POSTPONED' in f or 'TODO' in f or 'INPROGRESS' in f:
- ff = f.split()
- if len(ff) == 2:
- assignee = ff[1]
- if 'DONE' in f:
- result.append((desc, 'done', assignee))
- break
- elif 'POSTPONED' in f:
- result.append((desc, 'postponed', assignee))
- break
- else:
- result.append((desc, 'todo', assignee))
- break
- else:
- result.append((desc, 'todo', 'nobody'))
- return result
-def dump(db):
- '''Dump database contents.'''
- cur = db.cursor()
- cur.execute('SELECT * FROM work_items')
- print '== Work items: =='
- for (blueprint, workitem, item_status, assignee, date) in cur:
- print '%s [%s, %s]\t%s: %s' % (date, blueprint, assignee, workitem, item_status)
- print '\n== Status =='
- cur = db.cursor()
- cur.execute('SELECT * FROM status')
- for (blueprint, status, date) in cur:
- print '%s: %s [%s]' % (blueprint, status, date)
-def add_work_item(db, blueprint, item, status, assignee):
- '''Add work item to database.'''
- cur = db.cursor()
- cur.execute('INSERT INTO work_items VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, date(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))',
- (blueprint, item, status, assignee))
-def add_status(db, blueprint, status):
- '''Add blueprint status to database.'''
- if not status:
- return
- cur = db.cursor()
- cur.execute('INSERT INTO status VALUES (?, ?, date(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))',
- (blueprint, status))
-def import_lp(db, name_pattern, release, milestone):
- '''Collect blueprint work items and status from Launchpad into DB.'''
- blueprints = get_blueprints('%s//ubuntu/%s/+specs?batch=300' % (blueprints_base_url,
- release), name_pattern, milestone)
- cur = db.cursor()
- cur.execute('DELETE FROM work_items WHERE date = date(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)')
- cur.execute('DELETE FROM status WHERE date = date(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)')
- for bp in blueprints:
- #print 'Checking', bp
- bpname = bp.split('/')[-1]
- work_items = get_blueprint_workitems(bp)
- status = get_blueprint_status(bp)
- if not work_items:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'WARNING: %s has no work items' % bpname
- for (item, state, assignee) in work_items:
- add_work_item(db, bpname, item, state, assignee)
- add_status(db, bpname, status)
-def workitems_over_time(db):
- '''Calculate work item development over time.
- Return date -> state -> count mapping.
- '''
- data = {}
- for s in valid_states:
- cur = db.cursor()
- cur.execute('SELECT date, count(*) FROM work_items WHERE status=? GROUP BY date',
- (s,))
- for (date, num) in cur:
- data.setdefault(date, {})[s] = num
- return data
-def blueprint_completion(db):
- '''Determine current blueprint completion.
- Return blueprint -> [todo, done, postponed, status] mapping.
- '''
- data = {}
- # last date
- cur = db.cursor()
- cur.execute('SELECT max(date) FROM work_items')
- (last_date,) = cur.fetchone()
- index = 0
- for s in valid_states:
- cur = db.cursor()
- cur.execute('SELECT w.blueprint, count(w.workitem), s.status FROM work_items w '
- 'LEFT JOIN status s ON w.blueprint = s.blueprint '
- 'WHERE w.status = ? AND = ? GROUP BY w.blueprint',
- (s, last_date))
- for (bp, num, status) in cur:
- data.setdefault(bp, [0, 0, 0, ''])[index] = num
- data[bp][-1] = status or ''
- index += 1
- return data
-def assignee_completion(db):
- '''Determine current by-assignee completion.
- Return assignee -> [todo, done, postponed] mapping.
- '''
- data = {}
- # last date
- cur = db.cursor()
- cur.execute('SELECT max(date) FROM work_items')
- (last_date,) = cur.fetchone()
- index = 0
- for s in valid_states:
- cur = db.cursor()
- cur.execute('SELECT assignee, count(workitem) FROM work_items '
- 'WHERE date=? and status=? GROUP BY assignee',
- (last_date, s))
- for (a, num) in cur:
- data.setdefault(a, [0, 0, 0])[index] = num
- index += 1
- return data
-def text(db):
- '''Print work item completion as text.'''
- data = workitems_over_time(db)
- print 'History:'
- for d in sorted(data.keys()):
- print d, data[d]
- print '\nBlueprint completion:'
- data = blueprint_completion(db)
- for (bp, (todo, done, postponed, status)) in data.iteritems():
- # TODO print status
- print '%s: %i/%i (%i%%)' % (bp, postponed+done, todo+done+postponed,
- int(float(postponed+done)/(todo+done+postponed)*100 + 0.5))
-def csv(db, from_date, to_date):
- '''Print work item status as csv.'''
- def _fmtdate(d):
- '''Convert into MM/DD/YYYY'''
- return '%s/%s/%s' % (d.month,, d.year)
- def _fromstr(s):
- '''Convert YYYY-MM-DD string to'''
- (y, m, d) = s.split('-')
- return, int(m), int(d))
- data = workitems_over_time(db)
- dates = sorted(data.keys())
- if not dates:
- return
- f = _fromstr(from_date or dates[0])
- t = _fromstr(to_date or dates[-1])
- d = f
- while d <= t:
- entry = data.get('%i-%02i-%02i' % (d.year, d.month,, {})
- print '%02i/%02i/%i,%i,%i,%i' % (d.month,, d.year,
- entry.get('todo', 0), entry.get('done', 0),
- entry.get('postponed', 0))
- d += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-def html(db):
- '''Print work item status as HTML.'''
- print '''
- Work item status
-Status by blueprint
- Blueprint | todo/postponed/done | Completion | Status |
- data = blueprint_completion(db)
- completion = []
- for (bp, (todo, done, postponed, status)) in data.iteritems():
- completion.append((bp,
- int(float(postponed+done)/(todo+done+postponed)*100 + 0.5)))
- completion.sort(key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True)
- for (bp, percent) in completion:
- if bp.startswith('http:') or bp.startswith('https:'):
- url = bp
- else:
- url = '%s/ubuntu/+spec/%s' % (blueprints_base_url, escape(bp))
- print ' %s | %i/%i/%i | %i%% | %s |
' % (
- url, escape(bp), data[bp][0], data[bp][2],
- data[bp][1], percent,
- escape(data[bp][-1]))
- print '
- print '''
-Status by assignee
- Assignee | todo/postponed/done | Completion |
- data = assignee_completion(db)
- completion = []
- for (a, (todo, done, postponed)) in data.iteritems():
- completion.append((a,
- int(float(postponed+done)/(todo+done+postponed)*100 + 0.5)))
- completion.sort(key=lambda k: k[0], reverse=False)
- for (a, percent) in completion:
- url = '%s/~%s/+specs?role=assignee' % (blueprints_base_url, a)
- print ' %s | %i/%i/%i | %i%% |
' % (
- url, escape(a), data[a][0], data[a][2],
- data[a][1], percent)
- print '
- print ''
-def import_moin(db, urls):
- '''Collect blueprint work items from a moin wiki.'''
- for url in urls:
- for (d, s, a) in get_moin_workitems(url):
- add_work_item(db, url, d, s, a)
-# main
-(opts, args) = parse_argv()
-db = get_db(opts.database)
-if opts.dump:
- dump(db)
-elif opts.text:
- text(db)
-elif opts.html:
- html(db)
-elif opts.csv:
- csv(db, opts.from_date, opts.to_date)
- import_lp(db, opts.pattern, opts.release, opts.milestone)
- import_moin(db, opts.moin)
- db.commit()