date: DevConv.CZ 2019
theme: Singapore
-header-includes: \usepackage{wasysym}\usepackage{pgfpages}\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}
+ - \usepackage{wasysym}\usepackage{pgfpages}\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}
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\centerline{\Huge \texttt{IaaS}}
\note[item]{System page: Summary information about the machine and its current status}
\note[item]{can drill down into more detailed graphs and information.}
\note[item]{subpage of Networking is a UI for firewalld}
\note[item]{See and interact with your local libvirt or ovirt VMs}
\note[item]{Cockpit team maintains pages seen on the screenshots}
\note[item]{initially looks like this; enter address, press button}
\note[item]{and you see the result}
\note[item]{appears in the menu via a little declaration file called manifest; not shown here}
\note[item]{looks unspectacular, but demonstrates cockpit API (reading hostname) and LESS/CSS}
\note[item]{point is to be a simple React component which you can directly hack on without worrying about all the boilerplate}
- [cockpit-ostree](
\note[item]{these projects are real-life, thus this is not a pipe dream; let's add your's}
-\note[item]{Our team wants to move from "we build UIs for everything" to "we support your team with building your UI"}
+\note[item]{Our team wants to scale from "we build UIs for everything" to "we support your team with building your UI"}
\note[item]{we work a lot on providing CI infrastructure, cross-project testing and maintenance}
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