Apport 2.7: ARM retracing support, better hook debugging

I just released Apport 2.7.

The main new feature is supporting foreign architectures in apport-retrace. If apport-retrace works in sandbox mode and works on a crash that was not produced on the same architecture as apport-retrace is running on, it will now build a sandbox for the report’s architecture and invoke gdb with the necessary magic options to produce a proper stack trace (and the other gdb information).

Right now this works for i386, x86_64, and ARMv7, but if someone is interested in making this work for other architectures, please ping me.

This is rolled out to the Launchpad retracers, see for example Bug #1088428. So from now on you can report your armhf crashes to Launchpad and they ought to be processed. Note that I did a mass-cleanup of old armhf crash bugs this morning, as the existing ones were way too old to be retraced.

For those who are running their own retracers for their project: You need to add an armhf specific apt sources list your per-release configuration directory, e. g. Ubuntu 12.04/armhf/sources.list as armhf is on instead of Also, you need to add an armhf crash database to your crashdb.conf and add a cron job for the new architecture. You can see how all this looks like in the configuration files for the Launchpad retracers.

The other improvement concerns package hooks. So far, when a package hook crashed the exception was only printed to stderr, where most people would never see them when using the GTK or KDE frontend. With 2.7 these exceptions are also added to the report itself (HookError_filename), so that they appear in the bug reports.

The release also fixes a couple of bugs, see the release notes for details.