On the long flight back from UDS-Lucid I read the Vala tutorial on my ebook, and did some of the exercises. I was curious about Vala because it combines the speed and memory efficiency of C in a sane C#-like language with proper memory management, exceptions, and without the silly “close to the metal” faff that is usually required in C.
And indeed I wasn’t disappointed. It’s not as convenient as Python, but really not far from it, and it’s faaaast!
Today I finally got back to this and wrote my first D-Bus example in vala which does a call to DeviceKit-disks:
using DBus;
int main(string[] args) { Connection con = Bus.get(BusType.SYSTEM);
dynamic DBus.Object dk = con.get_object(
ObjectPath[] devs = dk.EnumerateDevices();
foreach (ObjectPath o in devs)
stdout.printf("%s\n", o);
return 0;
Compile and run it with
valac --pkg dbus-glib-1 dbus-dk.vala && ./dbus-dk
and voila!